sgtd - Simply Getting Things Done


sgtd [-f <filename>] [-h] [-v] [new_action_text...]
-f <filename> to specify an sgtd database (default is ~/.sgtd/sgtd.db)
-h help
-v version
new_action_text... any additional text on the commandline is interpreted
                   as text to be inserted as a single new action.

command key bindings


a          - view actions list
p          - view projects list
c          - view contexts list

?          - display help screen

s          - toggles between sort view of actions by project or by context
f          - toggles between unfiltered view of actions and filtered by current sort

^P         - edit the print command, then print


q          - quit

i          - insert action / project / context
I          - insert action (from any view) and assign current project / context
e          - edit name of current action / project / context
d          - delete current action / project / context

K          - move item up
J          - move item down

*          - toggle to mark/clear all actions / projects / contexts
<Space>    - toggle to mark/clear individual actions / projects / contexts
<Enter>    - begins filtering on selected categories

P          - assign project name to selected action(s)
C          - assign context name to selected action(s)
<Enter>    - when assigning, selects project or context name
<ESC>      - when assigning, cancels assignment


k, <UP>    - up
j, <DOWN>  - down
h, <LEFT>  - left [not yet implemented]
l, <RIGHT> - right [not yet implemented]
g, <HOME>  - first item in list
G, <END>   - last item in list
H          - first item on screen
M          - middle item on screen
L          - last item on screen
^F, <PGDN> - scroll forward one page
^B, <PGUP> - scroll backward one page
/          - find regular expression